Journal of Management Sciences (JMS)
  • Issue 1
  • Issue 2

The Impact of Sectoral Foreign Direct Investment on Industrial Economic Growth of Pakistan

Research Article

This study examines the impact of sectoral foreign direct investment on the industrial economic growth of Pakistan, by means of Cobb-Douglas production function. Three sectors were used namely manufacturing, construction, mining & quarrying for panel data during the period of 1997 to 2011. This study used three standard panel unit root tests; PP statistics panel unit root, ADF statistic, IPS panel unit root test. Moreover, to test the cointegration between the variables, three dierent types of test were used for the panel cointegration test based on Johansen sher, Kao residual cointegration, Pedroni residual cointegration tests to nd the long run [...]

Journal of Management Sciences 2015
By M. Tahir Suleman, Muhammad Talha Amin
Keywords: Pakistan; Cobb-Douglas, panel unit root test, panel cointegration test; long-run relationship

An Empirical Investigation on the Effect of Brand Loyalty

Research Article

This paper examines how satisfaction, brand image, price, packaging and perceived quality influence brand loyalty. A self-administered questionnaire through mall intercept method was used for survey purpose. Valid sample size was 300 comprising all adults and both genders. The constructs used in this study had established reliabilities. After ascertaining the normality of data a typical multiple step procedure was adopted which is inclusive of identifying outliers, ascertaining normality of the data, reliability analysis, validity analyses, CFA for all the constructs through structural equation modeling (SEM), and testing the overall model through SEM. Derived hypotheses results were assessed on SEM's output [...]

Journal of Management Sciences 2015
By Tariq Jalees, Nimra Shahid, Huma Tariq
Keywords: Brand loyalty, satisfaction, quality, price, company image and packaging.

Impacts of Globalization on Economic Growth - Evidence from selected South Asian Countries

Research Article

The study uses overall index of globalization developed by \cite{dreher2006does} in which all three types of integration were utilized such as political, economic and social integration. The data of three south Asian countries like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh were taken for the period from 1981 to 2011. Initially, stationary properties of selected variables were checked through conventional unit root tests such as Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) and Phillip Perron (PP) test followed by ordinary least square (OLS), granger causality is applied and finally long-run relationship among variables were confirm by employing Johansen test of cointegration i.e. trace test and [...]

Journal of Management Sciences 2015
By Muhammad Maqbool-ur-Rahman
Keywords: Economic growth, globalization, integration, gross fixed capital formation, total labor

Lessons From the 2008 Global Financial Crisis: Imprudent Risk Management and Miscalculated Regulation

Research Article

Of the major shortcomings exposed during the 2008 global financial crisis, there are two aspects that have attracted much interest among academics: the under-appreciation of the complexity of new operations at large financial institutions and the inadequate oversight of basic prudential supervision by regulatory agencies. To provide a brief focus on elements of these aspects, this paper presents corresponding case studies involve the fall of two of the largest finance companies ever existed: American International Group and Lehman Brothers Holdings. A survey of related historical arguments shows that while AIG fails due largely to its extended involvement in the new [...]

Journal of Management Sciences 2015
By Long H. Vo
Keywords: Global financial crisis, risk management, banking regulation, credit default swap.
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