Journal of Education & Social Sciences (JESS)
  • Issue 1
  • Issue 2

Impact of Rewards System on Teacher's Motivation: Evidence from the Private Schools of Karachi

Research Article

This study investigates the impact of five determinants of the rewards system on employee's motivation in the context of private schools. A sample of 310 respondents is drawn from the private school teachers of Karachi. The rewards system was measured through five independent variables including salary offered, recognition, promotion, working content, and working conditions. By using exploratory factor and regression analyses, the results show that except salary offer, rests of the four variables have been found statistically significant to predict teacher's motivation. However, the recognition of efforts followed by working conditions have revealed the greatest impact on teacher's motivation. Thus, [...]

Journal of Education & Social Sciences 2013
By Muhammad Shahnawaz Adil,Neelam Fatima
Keywords: Motivation, salary, working conditions, working contents, promotions, recognition, private schools.

Job Satisfaction among the Primary Public and Private School Teachers of Karachi

Research Article

This research set out to explore the relationship between teacher job satisfaction and institutional undertakings within the context of schools located in Karachi Pakistan. 345 questionnaire were completed by teachers from both public as well as private schools. The data collected was analyzed through factor and regression analysis. The variables examined include working conditions, principle's leadership style, workload, collegial support, monetary rewards and career advancement and teacher autonomy. It was identified that all variables except for work load and autonomy were deems significantly as well as positively related to teacher's job satisfaction. [...]

Journal of Education & Social Sciences 2013
By Nadia Rahim, Shazia Razzak
Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Leadership style, Rewards and Career Advancement
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